Everyone, no matter their circumstances, should make a Will. It’s the only way to make sure your estate (personal possessions, savings and other assets) is distributed in line with your wishes when you die.
Making a Will is simple and inexpensive, particularly when you compare it to the potential costs and difficulties involved for your family if you don't have one. In that case the law takes over and there's no guarantee your wishes will be followed. The result could be disputes between your family members.
Ask us to draw up your Will and you can be sure it's tailor-made for you.
Using us to make your Will provides you with peace of mind. We're trained, experienced, regulated and insured.
We can advise you on all aspects of Inheritance Tax, and help set up Trusts to benefit your family, or for tax planning or charitable purposes.
Before we draft a Will for you to approve we carefully consider your individual circumstances and give you detailed advice.
People sometimes turn to DIY and internet Wills. However, they're often prepared in line with English law rather than Scots. And they don't come with the expert impartial advice we provide.
It’s best to talk to us when deciding what to put in your Will, as it can cover a range of issues, including:
Your executors are responsible for making sure your Will is dealt with in line with your wishes.
They are usually family members, but our clients often ask us to act as executors. That takes the pressure off loved ones and lets clients know their affairs are in good hands – we are independent, know the legal processes and always carry out our responsibilities professionally and impartially.
What’s more, naming us as an executor doesn’t cost any extra.
It’s easy to update or change your Will. If you’re thinking of doing so we can let you know about the implications of any changes, and make sure they’re legally binding.
It's important to keep your Will safe. When we write a Will clients usually ask us to retain the original for safekeeping and send a copy on to them.
On occasion, we offer Will writing for free in exchange for a voluntary donation to charity. See the links below for more information.
Meanwhile, a simple Will can cost very little.
There are lots of good reasons for arranging your Will right now, and even more for asking us to carry out that task.
“I have used Sturrock Armstrong and Thomson for my legal work over many years. On every occasion I’ve found their advice and guidance sound, prudent and always in my best long-term interest.”
Alan Day
Contact us today for a no-obligation quotation or to talk to one of our solicitors.
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